The Main Benefits of Taking Your Real Estate Course Online

If you're thinking about becoming a real estate agent, you probably know that you'll need to take some mandatory coursework and pass a licensing exam before you can work with clients.

For a long time, your main option to take these pre-licensure courses was to go to your local community college or other learning center and take them in person. Now, however, there are plenty of robust online options. Read on to learn about the considerable benefits of taking your real estate course online.

You'll Have More Flexibility  

If you're an adult learner, there's a good chance you have a job already. That limits the time you have available to attend a brick-and-mortar classroom setting. And while you might be able to find evening or weekend classes — this is the time you usually spend with friends and family. 

A real estate course online can be done at a time that works best for you. It could be every morning before your family wakes up or during those evening hours you would otherwise spend gaming or writing social media posts. You can carve out small study sessions rather than devoting hours at a time — the main thing is, you'll be able to work around your existing schedule.  

You Might Be More Productive

When you opt to do your coursework online, you don't have to waste time commuting to a classroom location. That, and the accompanying stressors — until recently, the pandemic was one of them — may distract you from the coursework itself. The same holds true for other distractions in a physical classroom, like pointless questions from other students and professors who talk about anything but the subject at hand.

There's also something to be said for designing your own study schedule. This allows you to work at times when you are most motivated. 

You Might Learn Things Easier

Online classes are more efficient, especially for students who don't work well in distracting learning environments. You're getting exactly the information you need to pass your state's real estate license exam — nothing more, nothing less. By some estimates, a real estate course online takes 40-60% less time than one taught in a traditional classroom.

Also, a recent study from Harvard University found that students study best when they use active learning strategies rather than sitting passively listening to classroom lectures. Learning online requires you to be actively involved in the entire learning experience.

A Real Estate Course Online Will Cost You Less

Taking your real estate course online can save you money over traditional classroom settings. You won't have to fill up your tank or pay for parking just to get to class. 

Even without the physical cost of going to class, online real estate pre-licensure courses are still cheaper. They often cost less than a comparable community college class, where you'll pay per credit hour. Moreover, some online programs let you choose among online learning options to save even more money. If you just want the essentials with your real estate course online, you'll save money over options that provide interactive tutoring and supplemental study videos. 

Experience the Benefits of Online Learning  

Aceable offers industry and state-approved online pre-licensure courses in many U.S. states, including New York and California. Our engaging self-paced courses allow you to study when you have the time and design your own learning experience. 

Confident learners can go with a basic package that just has the essential information you'll need to ace the exam, but if you need extra help, including live webinars and 1:1 tutorial support, it is available through our Premium package.

Want to get your Real Estate License? Begin your Pre-Licensing Course today!

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